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Script and Consultant Services
The Process
Writing is a precarious process - be it generating ideas, honing your voice, creating your own writing practice and process, or finding your way out from a sticky hole your script has made its way into. It’s why, as writers, we benefit from support. So, whether you’re looking to develop your first short film script, find constructive feedback on your latest draft, or learn how to generate innovative story concepts, Sarah can help guide you through this process.
As a writer and director, Sarah clearly understands the often-messy process of development, however, with over twenty years’ past experience in advertising as a copywriter and creative director, she is well versed in guiding talent and giving objective and constructive feedback, leaving you feeling enlightened and ready to move your project forward.
Sarah first offers a free 15 min consultation, to get to know you and your needs. Sessions are tailor made to the person and whilst developing your short, feature, or TV series project, they can also include guidance on creating pitch documentation, coaching through ideas, creating, and maintaining your writing practice, advice for the industry, and course applications in preparation for an MA in script writing.
For more information or to arrange a session, please contact Sarah directly.
After reading my script Sarah really helped me get to the heart of my story, to get under the skin of my characters, the tone and overarching themes. This stopped me from getting lost and helped me look at my work objectively. Not only is she a great source of advice, but Sarah is a fountain of knowledge and full of positive encouragement.
Marysue Masson, Director
Sarah has helped me immensely on my short films, and I'm looking forward to now working on my first long form piece with her.
Leire Aguilera, Filmmaker
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